Overpacking in the Snow

Ok I think we are about ready to go. I am exhausted. I am so glad that we do not have to leave early tomorrow.
I am the declaring myself the queen of over packing. I can’t even imagine how we are going to pack for China. We are only going to be gone for a week and I have enough stuff for a year (well maybe not but close) I think we have a near complete pharmacy packed with Jim’s cold meds and mine. I am sure that I won’t wear half the clothes I packed and I will feel I need something that I decided I could live without.
I walked outside today to go to work and Jim mentioned how cold it looked and I said it smelled like snow but I never thought it would really snow, maybe rain at the most. It snowed here most of the day it was a bit surreal. I don’t think I have seen it snow here this late in the season since I was a kid. It did not stick here but I wish I had a picture of it coming down. We took the snow tires off weeks ago, so I hope that the pass is ok but we have all day so we should be fine. They even extended the snow tire removal date for a week because of the weather.
Well better get to bed. I will post from AZ if I can (I am also over packing the computer) Think of it as a trial run to China minus the baby stuff and the really long international flight.


Jimh. said…
You don't get an idea of how much is in the suitcase until you lift it...lucky me. How are we going to sleep? I am so excited!
Kim said…
Have a Safe trip..
See ya soon..
Anonymous said…
Oh my gosh ! The pass was closed last night. I sure hope it will be open this morning. Who would have ever thunk it would snow so much this time of the year.
Have a wonderful time !!!!

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