Strain, Pull or Something?

Yesterday, we kind of took it easy. We went shopping, I got a pair of capri’s to wear on our trip and Jim got some shorts and a shirt. We also got a few groceries. We went to the pet store to get me a small net so I can attempt to transfer my guppies to their new “condo” when Jim found a Coral Beauty Angel that he absolutely needed, Ok I told him to go ahead. It was on sale for only $14.99 and that is a steal for angel fish. He needed another fish in his tank and this time we knew what he was getting and knew it would be OK for his tank, unlike the anthea disaster. She is doing fine (since the other fish are decidedly boys I told Jim that she had to be a girl). The name is still up in the air but she sure is a beauty and she seems to like all the algae that is growing on the rocks. There is a pic at Jim’s blog. We then went home and I did some sewing and we watched a couple movies.
We invited Jim’s parents over for dinner; we were going to make corned beef and cabbage in honor of St. Patty’s Day tomorrow. So I had a house to clean and some shopping to get done today. Well I got up and first thing off I twisted and pulled or strained something in my shoulder and neck area. I was in so much pain I could hardly move for an hour or so until the ibuprofen and the ice started to take effect, needless to say I was pretty much useless most of the day. Jim was great and did most of the cleaning. His parents ended up not coming since they were both sick. The flu has been really going around. I was about ready to call them and cancel myself so it was for the best all the way around. Jim ended up going into town to do the rest of the shopping himself while I just sat around watching nature shows all day.
Well even though I was in pain most of the day, I did manage to go outside and cut the gorgeous daffodils from my garden. I am so happy spring is almost here!!!!


Anonymous said…
gorgeous! You could be a photographer! Excellent! Love you!...oh, and I got here first Kim!
Kim said…
Okay... JIM... I want to be first...
You live with this amazing lady...
So glad you had a Great time yesterday...
So sorry to hear you strained something.. that is awful...
Do you have any pictures of your amazing sewing.
You will be proud of this amature...
I have never sewn a day in my life except for my Grandfathers quilt... I did today...
I will post later...
Love the flowers... they are beautiful..
Hope you are feeling better...
Anonymous said…
Daffodils are my most favorite flower. They are in most grocery stores now. I just bought two bunches. Ten in a bunch for $1.69 a bunch. They are now in full bloom and are beautiful and so fragrant. If you have allergies they might mess you up. Karen can't handle them.
I don't have anybody to bring me flowers so I bring myself flowers.
Anonymous said…
Hey! Whan are you going to post again? I know I post too much, but maybe you should try to catch up!

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