Happy Weekend!!

I’m so glad it is the weekend. I’m still having some trouble sleeping and so I have been exhausted this week. Jim was sick today, some sort of tummy virus. I will spare you the details but most of the people that read my blog also read his so you probably already have them, sorry. He is sleeping and I hope that he feels better in the morning so he can enjoy the weekend. He has an air soft game planned on Sunday and I am sure he would rather do that than spend the time in bed.

I don’t really have plans except to clean house, it is amazing how messy this place can get with just the 2 of us. It was clean when we got home and might have stayed that way if not for the fish tank disaster. I also want to start some spring cleaning not fun but needed. And then there is just plain relaxing, yeah!

We blogged a lot about what we did in Arizona but not much about what we got, I wanted to post about this great book that we found for Little Miss.

It is basically the Old Lady That Swallowed a Flay but with a Coyote. It is so great. I let my Mom borrow it to read to the kids so that it can be enjoyed now by children and I can’t wait to read it to Emma, Eli and David the next time they are here. I love children’s books and have several that were collected before we even started this journey. I hope that Little Miss will love them as much as I do. Plus the illustrations in this book are amazing.


Kim said…
LOVE BOOKS ALSO... we are too much alike..that is why we got along so well..
I will have to look for that book..
Hope Jim feels better..
HUGS girly..
Jimh. said…
I am feeling a little better-the sleep helped. I love that book! It is SO AZ! I hope you cook this weekend-I could use some good food.
Alyson and Ford said…
Hope you had a good weekend (and feeling better!). Happy Sunday!

Alyson LID 01/27/06
Kim said…
LOVE the pictures...
Thanks girly..
Have a Great Week..

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