Several years ago I stopped cutting my hair, I get small trims and cut my bangs but for the most part I have not had a change is style or a shorter length for quite some time. I made a pact with my self to let it grow and not get it cut until I got pregnant. That was when we were still trying fertility treatments and thought that it was only a matter of time. I have had long hair for a very long time and thought if I was able to grow it a few more inches I would be able to donate it to Locks of Love or some other similar organization. Little did I know how long I would let it grow. When we decided to adopt I kept going and said I would cut it when I became a parent as pregnancy was no longer a likely option. Lately, I have been getting sick and tired of my hair. I can do nothing with it except pull it into a ponytail, braid or clip. It is even getting too much for the clip. It take all day to dry naturally and it is heavy and is getting in my way. ...
I need to try and play with something like that... but LOVE mine...
Dull is okay girly..
Got my frame up yesterday...