Plum Blossoms

I finally got so sleep last night yea!! I think the whole tragedy with the fish tank was compounded by the lack of sleep and although I am still terribly upset I am feeling much better about it.

I love this time of year. I love all times of the year really, each for there own reason. I love the fact that we live in a area that really has four distinct seasons. Although it is still cold in the morning, spring is everywhere. I noticed it today when I looked out my window at work and realized that it was all pink. The Plum tree outside my window is in full bloom and although, my window is not quite clear (old, cheap windows at work) it was beautiful. The bees were busy pollinating and every once in a while I would catch a glimpse of petals falling to the ground, I love it. This morning I took notice of the mini-daffodils blooming in front garden and I am not kidding you the bleeding hearts grew about 8 inches while we were gone.

Referrals also came out this week. They got to January 9, 2006. Five more LID’s closer to Little Miss What’s Her Name. Thats right still no name and sorry to all of you who want to know. We are not holding it back, we just don’t know ourselves yet and we probably won’t until we see her face. But there is one good thing that has come from us waiting so long to become parents we have ruled out naming her Magenta Rose, I still like Citlalli but that has pretty much been vetoed by all family. I just asked Jim “What do you want to name our Daughter?” His response Lulu or Bobo, I think he thinks we are getting another dog :0)


Anonymous said…
I can't make my mind up any better than you. Maybe we should name her Hillary, Mary Todd, or Eleanor? After the presidents' wives??
Anonymous said…
Or Susanna after the lead singer of the Bangles? How about Krissy after Suzanne Summers' character on Three's Company? Or Malorie after Michael J. Fox's sister on that show back in the 80s? Or KyLee or Kim, after people from Arizona?
Kim said…
Okay.. Jim is cracking me up... I was getting ready to say "How about Kim" and then I read his post...
I read it out loud and KyLee said.. "No KyLee..."
Love the pictures..
ANd you HAVE to sign up for the sock swap.. maybe we will get each other..
And also.. let me know what picture you put in the frame.. I want to put the same one..HUGS..
speaking of that.. I am going to send you the pictures right now..
Will you send me the ones you took..
Anonymous said…
I think her name should begin with H so it would go good with the last name. I always liked my double LL initial. My maiden name also began with L. I had to look long and hard to find somebody with a last name that began with L. You could also give her middle name Anne and her initials would be HAH. Now ain't that clever? How about Holly Anne or Hilda or Hildagard. Now that's classy. Hilary was a good choice.

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