Retail Therapy

Since it was cold yesterday and yard work was out of the picture, darn, and I was hoping to avoid our messy house, we decided to go shopping. Well technically first I ordered some prints from Costco so we could pick them up later. So we went into town and hit one of my favorite stores, Joann Fabrics. I needed to pick up some supplies for a secret project I am working on. Jim was a little bored but he stuck it out and even survived the adventure, yes, it was a miracle. Then on to the next favorite store, Target, pronounced like ballet, tar-j, when I’m feeling important.

We ran into some old friends at Target, it was nice to hear how everyone was doing. It was also really nice to hear that friends that are no longer with us are still remembered.
We went in for light bulb for the refrigerator and came out with, lets just say, more than that. Here are a few things that we got.

I am not sure where these are going to go and I need to go back and get the lights I thought they came with but no such luck. But they are pretty, huh?

Then there is this I could not resist. I had one just like it as a kid. Not that, kids are going to get the dial on a phone thing but I do (remember I am getting old). I remember the pull string being longer, I think it must be a choking hazard or something. I really wonder how many kids choked on the pull toys?
I also picked up some little ladybug PJ’s, and a lady bug crib sheet (I know I don't even have a crib, yet), but they were so cute.

Then we went to Costco to pick up the pictures and a few groceries. I found these books and was only going to get one but Jim said I might as well get the set and who am I to say no. I got the first book for my Mom’s kids and I will let her borrow the other 2. They absolutely love the coyote book; I think it is great that Little Miss’s books are being reviewed by the kids before she gets them. When Costco gets children’s books in you better get them when you see them because they will be gone next week. I have missed out before.

I told Jim that it is a good thing that there is not a Gymboree in town or the closet would be over flowing because I was really in a mood to shop for her.

We got the pictures and Kim will be please to know I finally have our pic in the frame!! It looks great but I can’t wait to replace it with a picture of all of us with Little Miss and Isabella!! Come home soon babies we need you!!

We then went to visit Jim’s parents. They have been wanting to see our pics for a while and hopefully they weren’t too bored. I guess that is enough for today something is happening tomorrow, but I am having an old age memory lapse.


Jimh. said…
I can't wait to see both of those little girls. Can you imagine? Summers in Washington, winters in Arizona? I wonder if they will be able to visualize the waiting families that visualize them. There's just one thing for it: We will have to get more frames.
Anonymous said…
Happy day early Birthday Miss Cora.
You sure found some cute things in your shopping spree. I just saw one of those lighted frames to day for the first time. They are really nice.
Kim said…
LOVE the goodies.. I had one of those phones too...
I don't have a crib either.. not going to get one.. unless we move to a bigger house.. she will have to be in a pack-n-play for about 6 months...then to the bunk-beds with KyLee...(not enough room..)...Cute books and of course.. I am loving the frame.. I have mine up too.. I will have to take a picture this week..
And I am soooo ready for Little Miss and Isabella to be right in the middle of our laps...
YEAH!!!! Can't wait.. we will have them one day girly... and you will have to come and visit all the time.. because WE are traveling together.. I have a feeling..
Happy (early) Birthday...
Make sure you check my blog later on tonight.. I am posting tomorrows post before I go to bed....HUGS...Miss ya...
Kim said…
Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday DEAR CORA,
Happy Birthday to YOU...
Don't be sad on this glad..
You are beautiful...
Have a Great Day..
I will be celebrating it with you..

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