Catching up

We had another busy weekend, well I had a busy weekend. Jim's weekend was slightly less busy and fun filled. I know I have not posted since Wednesday but I have not had much to post about and then I got super busy.

Friday night Jim and I had dinner with some old/new friends. Jim recently got back in touch with a couple that he went to high school with. So old to him but new to me. It is funny how it takes a site like facebook to make you realize that you live across town from people. So we were invited to dinner and we had a great night of conversation and getting to know each other. And their 2 adorable kids. Jim and Jacob had funny trying to stump each other with airplane questions. I think Jake will be studying up for the next time we get together.

Then Saturday was my sister Emily's Pampered Chef party so I picked up my mom and Grandma A and headed to her house. I bought a few fun things for the kitchen and plan to have a party myself in April, so if you live near by you may be seeing an invitation. If you don't and you want to order anything let me know.

I am really starting to enjoy this cooking thing. Although I am lucky to have a great husband who not only cooks when I don't feel like it but he keeps the kitchen clean because I can not cook in a messy kitchen. Last night I made a version of shepard's pie. I mostly used Rachel Ray's recipe again but I had to make a few modifications to fit what we had on hand and of course I added cheese and bacon so Jim would eat it. I think I am going to get a 30 minute meal cook book or pampered chef has a 29 minute one that looks good too. Although so far it takes me longer than 30 minutes but they are pretty quick.

Sorry no pictures in this post, I promise one of Toby later. I had the camera with me all weekend and I forgot to take it out of my purse.


Kim said…
Sounds like a great weekend..
I might have to get that 29 min meal planner also..
Have a great week..
Jimh. said…
Ahhh, shucks, I aint so wonderful...wait'l you see what I did to your kitchen today! It's...shall we

I love your cooking, so, if you wnt it changed around, I'll do it!

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