Happy Birthday Mom!

Happy Birthday Mom! I love you. I know as a daughter I should say something really touching that would bring every one to tears but we all know that is not me. I just want you to know that I really appreciate you being the wonderful mom that you are and always being there for me no matter what.


Lorrene said…
That is a wonderful picture of Nancy. I missed the day on mine. I thought the bd was the 2nd.
Anyway, H a p p y B I R T H D A Y
**N A N C Y **
Jimh. said…
And she's a great cook!

Happy Birthday Nancy!
Wish her a Happy Birthday from us! I bet she is just as special as you are.
Anonymous said…
Happy Birthday Aunt Nancy! I like that picture a lot. It's a good one of her!
Amy said…
Happy Birthday, Cora's Mom!!! :)

(And Cora, that WAS really touching.)

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