Jim's Day

I kept teasing Jim all day that it was his day like the the wedding was my day and this was his. But I think he did have a really good day Saturday. We attended the Decommissioning of the USS Kitty Hawk. It was the first of the Super Carriers and it was Huge. I was a bit disappointed that the ceremony took place on the hanger deck and not the flight deck I really wanted to see it or get a brief tour of the ship but I guess the ceremony was mainly for the sailors that had and were serving on the ship and they have all been on the flight deck (at least that is my humble, civilian opinion)

To me the whole thing seemed like a big funeral, and I guess in a way it was. The speaker all talked about fond memories of serving aboard and of all the good people that have been on the ship, and afterwards there were refreshments. the displays that they had set up in the other hanger deck were really neat and I was not completely bored. Actually, I kinda enjoyed it but don't tell anyone, he he.

Afterwards Jim treated me to a cup of coffee and we went to a museum that was boring but it was free. Then his parents and us decided to spilt ways and we went to see the Turner Joy, My first battleship. It was neat but I was tired by the time we were done going up and down the ladders.

Today, I was pretty much exhausted and I am super happy to be home. Here are a some of pictures of our day.


Jimh. said…
Are you sure I can't have tht 5" round? Shucks.

I had ALOT of fun, and I was really glad you were there! Thanks for being there!

Wasn't it awesome?!!!
Kim said…
Glad you had a great time..
Have a great week.
Sorry I missed ya..
Lorrene said…
I love the pictures. Looks like you guys had a great time. Welcome back to the real world.
You are such a GREAT wife. Seriously! I hope Jim REALLY appreciates you!!!! He looked like a kid in a candy factory!!!

Hey...I have a little award for you...I'll email you about it!

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