Pork Chops and Apple Sauce

No, not a Brady Bunch marathon that is what I made for dinner tonight. I am on a kick to make some new dinners and eat at a table. I really want to have family dinners with our kids but I kinda put it off think we would just start that when the kids come. Well no kids came and then they still did not come and look still no kids. So I started looking up some recipes and I found the 30 minute Rachel Ray meals site. She has a few videos of her shows and although I hate to say it, she kinda annoys me, her recipes look quick, easy and different that what we normally eat. I am always looking for a bit of a change. So I got some pork chops and apples and the result was YUMMY. Sorry no pictures Jim gobbled everything down too quickly. Ok so did I. I added some craisens to the apple sauce and that was a nice addition, but next time I would half the apple sauce portion of the recipe. We had enough apple sauce for 10 people. It was good Jim suggested we get some ice cream and make it dessert too and it would be AWESOME!

I am going to try a few more of her recipes and if they are good I might actually buy another cookbook. If you are interested in the pork chops and apple sauce recipe that I used check it out here for the video and if you just want the recipe then check here.


E said…
Kinda sounds like a country song. Porkchops and applesauce, pecan pie...
Kim said…
YUMMY.. sounds like a great meal.. Hugs..
Have a great day..
Sounds yummy! I still owe you a recipe!
Jimh. said…
it was very good! I think you should do all the cooking if it turns out like that every time! AWESOME!!

Thanks for dinner, and thanks for letting me finish the book!

Love ya!
Doug and Terrye said…
Sounds like a great dinner, I may have to try it out. I also like to read Pioneer Woman Cooks.com, she has some great recipes.
Hope you don't mind if I follow along on your journey.

Terrye in FL
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