Thursday Thursday

It has been kind of a dull week. Not much going on. I am excited for the weekend. Why you may ask? No particular reason at all. We have no plans except to work on the house a little and do some of the stuff that got neglected last weekend, while searching for Sully and dismantling our washing machine.

Sully is doing great as you can see he is on my back right now, I am on my tummy typing this in bed, and he is quite comfortable. We took his collar off when he came home on Monday and he has not touched his stitches. Yesterday I opened the dog door so he can go in and out but I think he is still a little cold with no fur so inside he has been staying. We are so thankful to have him back, oh and since they are our kids we did ground him for a couple days, no going out with his alley cat friends.
Jim got the part for the washer and fixed it tonight. Yippee!! No leaks! So I have some laundry to catch up on this weekend. I looked at new ones tonight but I think we need to pay a couple things off first. But we know eventually we will need to replace them but I would like it to be on my terms not theirs. I do have an incredible space saving plan and I hope that it works. I want to stack the next ones so that I can get the freezer that is currently in the bedroom in the laundry room. The only issue is whether I will be able to reach the dryer controls at my vertically challenged height.

We have been living without CBS lately because of a dispute with Dish network and Fisher Communications which I won't get into but Survivor started tonight. So Jim and I went off to the store to get an antenna. We watched Survivor the old school way, no DVR, and we survived. The only issue is now that after next week we will need a converter box to continue getting it. I think I might take Diana's advice and watch online but not all of my favorite CBS shows are online. I am a bit of a Ghost Whisperer Junkie, stupid and crazy but I like it.
Hope everyone has a great weekend.


Jimh. said…
I am glad we finally got CBS, even if it is for a week or so!

I am also glad we got the washer to work again...I saywe because the expression on your face when I came out of the washer shell after you got home was priceless, and made it possible to finish with a smile. (picture the outer shell of the waher out and me inside it waiting for her to come by so I could jump out at her! Ahh, great fun!!)
frogglet said…
Jim, Just letting you and everyone else that comments know.
You are a little evil! Just saying a little evil that is all.
But I still love ya.
I hope you get caught up on laundry!

So how far did you jump Cora? I can imagine I would have screamed too!

Lorrene said…
I think Sully learned a hard lesson with his AWOL experience, and that is why he isn't to eager to go outside. He looks happy now.
Kim said…
Sully sure does look comfortable..
Looks like you are going to have a great weekend..
Glad the washer is fixed..
Love ya girly..
OMG...not all your shows are online? YIKES!!! I need to rewatch Survivor to take it all in! Can't wait for AR!

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