Wordless Wednesday


Kim said…
Have a Great evening..
E said…
That picture gave me the chills.
E said…
That picture gave me the chills.
Amy said…
Hmmm. Well, at least it's not April and doing that. Spring's coming, friend! Hugs, Amy
That looks familiar to what I saw yesterday!! How are ya?

We had a very gorgeous and sunny day here today. I love it when we can see the Olympics and the Cascades. They are so pretty with snow covered caps.

How is Sully doing?

Looks like much of our winter. Just a little annoying dusting of snow.
Jimh. said…
Pretty, but it sucks after the past few days of sunshine giving us a hint of spring! Bring on Summer!
Lorrene said…
Sometimes a picture says it all. No words needed.

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