Would it just stop snowing already!

Ok, you got me, it is only raining here and I love the snow so I would not mind a little, HERE.  However, in the North East it is apparently snowing a lot.  You may think that it doesn't affect us that it is snowing on the other side of the country, however our agency has documents at the Burundi embassy in Wash. DC that need to be processed and the snow is JUST NOT HELPING.

Come on Mother Nature, can you give a girl a break, I know that that even after these documents are back in country it is going to take a month or 2 for review but I have had enough delays.  When is enough, enough?  Just stop snowing already.  


Kim said…
Glad you have it.. we are suppose to have rain tomorrow.. I only like SUN.... it was 70's here today..
you can come and visit me..
Have a great weekend...
Jimh. said…
Cora, I know! You would think they could just hurry up and send those darned documents already! It shouldn't take that long to translate things...use stupid Babel Fish for crying out loud!
Oh my goodness! Another thing. That just isn't fair!! Thank you for your sweet comments! I am going to reweight my bags and make sure they are under 44 lbs. We have to pay for one extra bag in China until we get Jon Jon. You are only allowed one per person. What a pain!!

Yes we ended up leaving some things home as the planning part got in the way....
Oh well. No sleep for us tonight. We have to be at the airport by 4:15 am. So glad we can sleep the day away!

Hugs dear friend.
Lorrene said…
What happened to the creed of the postal service that says. "Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed routes". I guess it doesnt mention 26 feet of snow on the ground with more falling.

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