A Closure and a Reminder

Just in case you are a follower of my other blog Burundi Baby and you miss the message.  I am closing that blog for a while.  It has become a place where I just vent my negative feelings and while that is good for me at time it is not something that I feel comfortable sharing at this time.  I don't know where I am going with this blog either.  I started as a place where we could keep our family updated on our travels to meet our daughter.  That has changed, a lot, our path has changed, a lot and the destination is now an unknown.  I hope that one day this blog will be a place to share stories of parenthood, get and give advice but I am not sure what it is now.  I will continue to blog here and please continue to follow our random journey.  I might be as surprised as you to discover where we end up.  I will try to post some updates over here more often.  If you ever have any questions you can always email me and I will do my best to answer them.

As for the reminder.  Make sure that you head over to Color Me Home and sign up for the give away! One lucky winner will be in coloring heaven! Or purchase a book and a crayon roll.  We are still trying to raise money for that adoption trip, where ever and when ever it may be.


Cindy said…
I am sorry that your road has been SO difficult. I cannot imagine. I will keep reading and hoping that things turn around very soon :(
I am sorry that the journey has been so painful and long. (((HUGS)))
Christie said…
Hey girl - I can't imagine the frustration...truly. Do whatever you need to do!

Come see me - I'm giving away a free blog makeover - maybe that will cheer you up?!? A new look, a new vibe...?


Kel said…
I didnt know you had another blog... or I would have been reading that too. I hope it works out for you... I really do. Why isnt life fair eh? It's so damn not.

Thinking of you xxx
Margaret M said…
Thinking of you!!!! HUGS to you!!!! margaret
Kim said…
You know I will always be here..
Ready to see what comes up..
Now pick me towin the coloring books and rollup.
Sending big hugs to you!!!!
Wish this was an easier road for you guys.

I will always be checking in on you to see how you are doing.

I am rethinking my blog and what I want it to become. It really needs to be about all of us now and not just Jon Jon.

Come visit us. I would love to have you meet the kids!


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