Busy Busy Busy

The last few weeks have been very busy.  We were preparing to sell our coloring books and That's My Pan at a local Bazaar.  The Bazaar went well after the first couple hours when we experienced how opinionated some people can be. Although most people were very supportive.  We were able to sell a few things and add to the adoption fund which was wonderful.  The Bazaar was much more our thing than the hop Festival was and although we did not have a overwhelming turn out it was more relaxing and a much better atmosphere.

Earlier in the week, we were able to get some new pictures of Chloe.  I mentioned before that Lisa from The Long road to China was going to be picking up her daughter this week.  Her daughter Reagan was from the same orphanage as Chloe and Lisa was able to visit last week and take pictures for us.  It was an incredible gift.  I can't wait to go pick her up.

We are still waiting for Travel Approval and our change of country with immigration.

To see more photos from her Chenzhou visit, look at Lisa's post here.


Jimh. said…
That kid keeps getting cuter. How will we ever say NO if she keeps this up?
Kim said…
Love those photos of my Niece..
Love you
I was seriously just thinking that you haven't posted in a while...and wah-la! Here is a post! Chloe is sooo cute! Can I come to China with you and be your official photographer? (Although I doubt that Jim would let me touch Precious!)
denise said…
I love seeing those pictures. I read Lisa's post as well and it just brought tears to my eyes. I can't believe you'll be making that journey soon!
What a blessing to receive these photos of your beautiful girl! Lisa is a sweetheart and I am so happy her little one is in her arms. :) Soon...Chloe will be in yours and I'm sure I'll be bawling with happiness for you!

Love and blessings,
Kelly said…
I have to agree with Jim, she just keeps getting cuter and cuter!

Do you happen to know what size clothes she's wearing?
Kelli said…
She is just beautiful!!! The coloring books are great too!!! What a wonderful idea for a fundraiser!

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