Happy Anniversary

Today Jim and I have been married 11 years!  This picture was taken a couple of days ago but I can tell you one thing I was just as happy this day as I was to be getting married 11 years ago. 

the two of us

The last 2 weeks have been a whirlwind and honestly I find it hard to believe that is has only been 2 weeks.  Our letter of approval came on Thursday and I have yet to post some of the pictures from that day.  This was Mike the Fed Ex man’s first baby delivery :) he was so nice and let me take his picture I was a little shaky, it was s o exciting. 


Jim did not have to work until 11 that day so he was able to come to my office and sign the approval!  And in case you are wondering we checked the box that said YES.  I then took it down at lunch to Fed Ex it back to our agency. 

I thought that was all the excitement of the week until I woke up this morning and checked my email.  Lisa from The Long Road to China had pictures of Chloe! Her daughter is in the same CWI (children's welfare institute) and someone had sent her pictures from July so that she could see if her daughter was in them.  As soon as she saw Chloe she knew she had pictures.  I have to admit I was a bit skeptical but as soon as I opened the email all doubt was lost it was definitely our Chloe!  I might be a bit biased already but I think she is the most beautiful baby ever!  I can not ever thank Lisa enough for taking the time to care and bring me such joy as being able to see just a little tiny bit of my daughters life!


Chloe and Friend

Can’t wait to go to China!!!!!!


Jimh. said…
She is SOOO beautiful! And Lisa, WOW!! You made both of us happy today!
Cindy said…
Oh she is just a doll! So excited for you!
Michelle said…
How cool about the pictures! Happy Anniversary!
So adorable and what an awesome Anniversary gift!
Lorrene said…
Our beautiful new addition. I cannot wait to see her with her parents. You and Jim deserve this so much. I believe God saw your tears and chose this beautiful little girl for you.
Happy Anniversary you guys!! What a week to remember.

Love the new pictures of Chloe. She has these gorgeous soulful eyes. I can't wait to see her in your arms!

Big hugs,
Anonymous said…

I stumbled across your blog some time ago and have been popping in since. Your baby is beautiful! Congratulations! Is it possible she may have Goldenhar Syndrome? I was just looking at that pretty little baby face and when I saw her ear and jawline I thought of another little one I know of with Goldenhar. I didn't know if your docs had mentioned it. (I'm so not a doctor, and I don't usually play one on tv.) Anyway, I am so happy that you found your baby. Enjoy!

Anonymous said…
Back again to say I just looked that up. Please ignore my not-even-an amatuer diagnosis. I said that based on the case of a little boy with a very mild case. His only real symptoms are his ear, and his jawline tilts a bit to the side of his little ear. I just looked up Goldenhar, and there are other aspects that I hadn't known about and now I feel like a jerk. Didn't mean to say your baby may have something that can sometimes be bigger. Your docs certainly would have seen any issues. Please ignore me! I'll shut up now. Promise. Again... what a little doll baby. Enjoy her.

Nicole said…
We just arrived home a little over a month ago with our two year old daughter from China with microtia. She is wonderfully healthy!!!!! I just wanted to tell you congrats on your beautiful daughter !
We did not have this need checked off on our list either!
Good luck to you!
Kel said…
Cora she is sooo beautiful. You are biased of course, but don't need to be to see how wonderful she is. I can imagine her growing and changing, she is beautiful! You are a very lucky family indeed. And she is one lucky girl to have such great parents coming to get her! I guess we have to believe that this was all fate eh. Happy Anniversary! Never a better pressie eh!

Kelly said…
What a wonderful anniversary week you've had!! Chloe is SO adorable!
Kelly & Todd said…
Happy Anniversary to you both!! I also want to congratulate you again on Chloe's referral. What a little sweetie. I hope you travel soon - again, so happy for you guys!

-- kelly :-)
LedaP said…
Aww, she's super cute!

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