Sorry, about 20 minutes after I posted this I got a call from our agency!!! Our LOA, letter of acceptance is being Fed Ex-ed to us for delivery tomorrow!!!

This is the letter I thought would take a couple months!!!!!!



Stefanie said…
Welllllll, if LOA is on the way, can't you share pictures of your little miss what's her name?!?
Pretty please :)
Stefanie said…
P.S. WOOHOOOO!! That's awesome that you already got your LOA... and totally fitting since you've waited so long... hope you're in China SOON!!
Chris said…
CONGRATULATIONS!!! Can't wait to see the pictures of your DAUGHTER!!!
Cough it up! Little Miss Soon To Have a Name needs to be REVEALED!!!!

Now my word verification is lizedu. Maybe her name is Liz?
Lorrene said…
It sure sounds like you will have a fantastic Chrismas this year.
Name please............
A. Gillispie said…
WOW!!! So when does this mean you might travel? Before end of year?!
A. Gillispie said…
WOW!!! So when does this mean you might travel? Before end of year?!
WOW...that was FAST!!!!! Wooohooooooooo!!!!!

Go get your girl!!!
Kayce said…
Happy dance! Happy dance!!! Happy tears!!!! Happy tears!!!!!! :)
Kelly said…
So you'll be going SOON????? YAY!!!
Anonymous said…
Pack your bags kids because you are going to China.Bring back that very special little one so she start having a ball with her very large family. Little nights, early mornings, and the bathroom just to yourself will have a new meaning to you. mom

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