Lovin' the Luvs!!

Thank you for all of your suggestions.  Over the past 2 weeks I have been putting diapers to the test. I ruled a couple out after a very short time.  Wal Mart brand did not get high marks, although they ones we took to China were Wal Mart they were an older style and they have changed a lot since then. Kirkland also did not fair well but not because they were not great diapers they were just too big, when there are gaps in the legs you know they are going to leak and they did.  Huggies, we tried in China and they are very similar to Kirkland in my opinion, if your baby has leg chub these brands will work great, if they are a skinny mini like Chloe better plan on leakers.  Target is good but not the best (actually they come in a close second) they are slightly smaller but they are just not a Luvs diaper.  The clear winner of our Chloe's Diaper challenge is the Luvs!  I LOVE them. They fit and they don't leak!  I think we will have to reevaluate the diaper situation as she grows but for now Luvs is the diaper of choice!

I never thought there was such a difference in diapers but right now for our little one Luvs works the best.  It is obvious.  They are definitely our diaper of choice, even Dad agrees.  I know a lot of you suggested going up a size but what I really think we needed in some of the diapers was to go down a size, however she is drinking enough to pee through a size 2 diaper so I wanted to stay at, at least a size 3.

A non leaky diaper equals a HAPPY mama, and a happy mama equals a happy family!

I don't want to get in trouble for having a post with out Chloe pictures so here is one from tonight.  She was great even with her shots yesterday, a little clingy but not overly fussy and no fever, yea!

Oh and as if enough was not happening yesterday she cut another tooth!  4 on top now and 2 on the  bottom!  


Loving the strong willed "I will sleep anyway I want to" attitude! Cora, she is such a sweetie! And the video of her walking made me cry! I miss you guys. Maire is feeling so much better. She does NOT like vomiting--gee neither do I..YUCK! Off to pediatrician tomorrow--she is trying to get us into the neurologist for testing.

Nicole said…
She is so beautiful!!!! I glad everyone is adjusting and setttling in!
When we meet Pei I was in shock to say the least! I had studied every picture of her for months but a little girl was standing before me.I looked like a deer in the headlights! Immediately Ava and Pei started giggling and chasing one another.(I knew I was in trouble with these two then!) They were exactly the same height. I remeber thinking where is the baby!!!!! Well needless to say she is still a baby in many ways but just very tall!! When we received Ava she was a baby in every sense of the word. Not walking or talking we bonded quickly!
I have grieved in different ways for these girls. For Ava I did not ever grieve for what I missed with her but for what she had missed in her first lonely 14 months of her life.Her early life still is so hard for me to think about even after being home for over two years. Now Pei is different. I do not grieve for what she did not have.But more for what I missed with her. She lived with a poor but wonderful foster family. She was loved. I see it in her everyday.But coming home at two I have missed out many of her firsts. She thinks she two mommas. And the werid thing is I am thankful for that!
With each adoption I had to grieve a little for the loss of my norm.
Keep me posted what tests the doctor does for microtia beside hearing. I am thinking that maybe we needed a kidney ultrasound for Pei.But not sure if that is standard!
jade said…
She is beautiful and strong!
As for the ultra sound: my daughter has an ear with a tiny particularity and she had an ultrasound as well: the kidneys and the ears are formed at the same time in uterus, so over here (Europe) it is kind of standard to double check, better safe than sorry...
Myra said…
Happy dry Chole!!! Happy Dry Cora! The universe is all good again!! Saw the walking video! AMAZING! it's so cool how much they just take off once home!!! She'll be cooking you dinner in no time at all! :) Tell Jim I shared our "Hot Blonde and Sweet" /"Bitter Black" coffee exchange with my 14yo and she thought it was the funniest thing ever and has started using that line everywhere she sees coffee!!! Who knew a 14yo would see so much humor in that!!!! Take care!
I am so glad you found your diaper of choice! I ended up using 2 different kinds at first Pampers during the day and Huggies at night. The huggies fit better and would hold more. So now it is just Huggies.

We have seen the Audiologist 2 times now. We had a kidney ultrasound and spine xrays to check everything out. everything is normal. But yes, get it done so you know what is going on. We are hoping to get the CT scan of his inner ear when he turns 3. Oh my word that is in just about 3 months! I have a couple of new referrals to different ENT's. Just want to make sure I get the best for him.

Love the picture of you two! Jon Jon thinks she is pretty darn cute!

Big hugs,
Erica said…
I love LUVS too!! MY kids are pee-bodies and make short work of a wimpy dipe with little too offer in the absorbency department. The price ain't bad either! As Sidney has grown, he sleeps like a ROCK at night and so potty training has stalled in the dark hours. Daytime is fine, nights, he still needs a dipe. But, factor in the cups of pee his little body can pump out, and finding a dipe to handle the load is a tall order. What I have discovered (and don't laugh! It really works!) is putting a big, thick maxi pad in the dipe at night. I get the cheap ones at Wally World, meant for overnight or heavy flow...they work GREAT!!!! There ya have it, the inner workings of the Gaertner household! OH, and you have ONE CUTE girl!! We are looking forward to meeting her!

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