Since I am the video girl

We got our flip a couple years ago, yet I think the last couple weeks it has really gotten good use.  I really must say I love this camera it is so easy to use and it is small enough to be right next to you so you can try and catch all the little things, well I can try to catch them.

I have been trying to get a good video of Chloe walking but she seems to decide to crawl every time I pick up the camera.  She is walking more and more so I am sure I will get a good one on camera very soon.

I was also trying to teach her how to blow kisses and instead I taught her MMMMWWWAAAAHHH.  She is stinkin' adorable.

We finally got a video of the giggling.  She is a joy for sure!


Don't you just have to pinch yourself... nearly a year later and I want to pinch myself daily :)
Charissa said…
Love the giggle!
Anonymous said…
So adorable!

A. Gillispie said…
You said it! She is so stinkin' cute!!! I am seriously going to have to post some pics of Taevy from around the same age. Man, it's like traveling back in time!
Aunt Karen said…
Thank you, thank you for the videos!! I love watching them Chloe is such a cutie. She is learning so fast.
Unknown said…
To cute~ Love the giggle.
Kelly said…
LOVE the videos!!!
Lorrene said…
I love it and can't wait for the next one. So cute. She is a star in my book.
Anonymous said…
She is so awesome, the videos make you feel like you are Karen said, she is learning so fast.
Aunt Carol
Anonymous said…
In her first video, looks like she is copying you with her little fingers.That is so cute.
Aunt Carol
Amy said…
She is absolutely adorable! Love the videos.
Kim said…
Love it..

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