
I am sick and tired of being sick and tired. This year has not been a good one for my health. I think I have been ill more than well in 2007. I hope to see a change in 2008. I have been MIA on the blog lately just because I have been too exhausted to pick up the computer. So much has happened since the last time I blogged I don’t really know where to begin, so please forgive me if it all seems a little random.
First let me get the sad news out of the way. My Mom’s Stepmother passed away right before Christmas. She had been sick for a few days and we were expecting it but it still is not something that you ever want to happen.
We had Christmas with Jim’s family on the 23rd and had a great time. The kids were, as always, adorable and it was a really nice that we could all get together and celebrate the holiday and our growing family. I hope soon to be able to announce the arrival our 3rd niece or nephew as Carrie looked as though she could have the baby at any moment. I appreciate all the gifts that I got but I am only going to mention a few special ones that really warmed my heart. Carrie, Scott, and the kids, gave Little Miss this beautiful butterfly to hang in her room, I can’t wait to find a special spot for it when the room starts to come together.

On Christmas Eve, I went and picked Molly up and we went to my parents and spent the day with my family. Molly made this wonderful scrapbook for me. It has pictures and quotes from my blog in it. It made me remember why I started the blog. I have been kinda feeling like what’s the point in keeping this up but as I looked at the album I remembered. How cool will it be for Little Miss to look at that book some day and know what was going on while we waited for her. We use the excuse that it is my sisters' birthday to get together but it is just a good day to all be together. Here is a picture of the 3 sisters enjoying crab sandwiches on Christmas Eve.

Christmas morning my family got together at my parents and we had breakfast and opened gifts. Molly and Paul had to leave early so they could go to Paul’s family and then Paul had to work that night. So it was just Emily, Ryan, the Folks and us for Christmas dinner. Jim and I spent a quiet evening at home together it was really nice.
My Grandma L has been writing her life story as she remembers it and she had my Aunt Karen get it bound for her this Christmas to give to everyone. This is the other gift that I wanted to mention. Since I was sick all yesterday and if I got out of the recliner for more than a couple minutes I was exhausted I decided to read it. I read it cover to cover and it was wonderful. It was captivating. I loved reading about how life was. It made me think about what my life story would be like and I don’t think I could remember half the detail she does. I can’t wait for the sequel, LOL, I know that there are many more stories that did not make the cut. I had to laugh when at one point she wrote in the book that she did not have a very good memory but here she was writing about life in the 30’s and 40’s (anyone see the irony?) and half the time I can’t remember what I did last week. Someday Little Miss and hopefully her brothers and/or sisters will be read about Granny and her life, by then they will probably have flying cars or transporters and computers won’t have keyboards anymore, you will just think and they will type what ever you think, cell phones will be the size of an earrings and probably many other changes that I can not even imagine.
We also passed our 8 month LIDiversary that was on Christmas. That milestone kinda came and went this month without too much thought. I know that this journey will end but I really wish I knew when or at least had an idea. Every month I have a different reaction, sometimes I’m sad, sometimes I’m happy that we have more time to prepare and sometimes it is just another month. I think this month was just another month there is just too much going on to be thinking much about the timeline although it is always in the back of my mind. It is kinda funny, since last Christmas I thought that we would be so much closer by this year and not much has really changed. Maybe instead of Months I should be measuring the wait in Christmas’s until Little Miss? By next Christmas we should know a lot more and who knows it might be our last Christmas with out her.


Kim said…
Happy 8 Months girly...
And glad to hear that you had a Great Christmas..
Been missing you on the blog...
LOVE the butterfly...
And just so you know..
We will go through next Christmas without our little ones...but we will have our girls by Christmas of 2009.. I know in my heart that much is true...
Hope you start feeling better...
I was kind of sick too ,but feeling better now...
Hugs to you girly...
Anonymous said…
Thanks for the kind comments about my story. I was afraid it would come across as miles and miles of rambling. I'm glad you enjoyed it.
Didn't the last 8 months go pretty fast. The future will go just as fast. Maybe a miracle will happen and you'll have her by next Christmas. Miracles still happen.
Kim said…
Happy New Year...
May 2009 get here FAST...
Have a Great Day..

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