Batteries and Cat Baths

You may remember my run in with smoke detectors ; well, I think they are still after me. I still swear it's a conspiracy. I got home and Jim was in town so I sat down and was watching the Cosby show episode of Oprah that Jim recorded for me and that is when I hear the beep that makes me want to…. well I better not say here. I went to the drawer and found a battery. Jim was due home any minute so I thought I would wait for him because I knew this time it was the one in the vaulted ceiling that is 100 foot high and completely unreachable with out a ladder from the fire department (ok I might be exaggerating a bit.) I knew it was this one because it was the only one we did not change earlier this year because of the whole fire dept. ladder thing. So Jim gets home and I tell him about it and ask him to go out to the shed and get the gigantic ladder. He says something like “I don’t need no stinkin’ ladder.” Ok…. apparently he thinks he is a monkey. He hops up on the counter, over the cupboards and on to the top of the furnace closet. I took pictures so that after he killed himself I could apply for the Darwin Award with proof. But he lives to change another battery. You know what they say about your kids getting back at you for the things that you did to your parents so I'm betting Little Miss will be a climber.

That is right I said cat baths not cat naps. Sully apparently had a run in with an oil pan, either that or he changed the oil on the Buick? Huh, maybe he has a job at the local garage? Maybe we should start charging him rent. Maybe we should get a reality TV show “Oil Change Cat and Family” no that doesn’t work, “Grease Kitty”, “Monster Garage Kitty Cat edition”? Ok I think I need more sleep, back to reality... Sully came into the house covered in oil and he smelled like a grease monkey. So, I tried to give him a bath in the sink but he tired to climb up my chest, using his claws; it was very loving of him. So Jim valiantly stepped in to show me “how to give a cat a bath” and I hate to admit it but he came out of the experience with a clean cat and little to no scratches. Poor Sully, although grease free he has significantly less hair than he did before. He is going to have even less when I attack his mats tonight but I thought the trauma was too much last night so I let them go. If it was summer I would be very tempted to shave him.
To honor the occasion of Sully’s Bath I have decided to try and add my first video to the blog. Hope you enjoy.

And proof that he survived. Although he was not very happy about the whole experience, but note he is clean today maybe he got himself some Kitty coveralls :0)


Anonymous said…
He really is part monkey. I had no idea he was so talented. The video was hilarous too. I don't know kitty language, but I bet that was not a very nice word he called Jim.
Sully is so cute and what beautiful eyes. I think I heard Toby in the background offering his sympathy.
Kim said…
LOVE the monkey...
The video is tooo funny...
So glad that you got him clean...
I think cats can get in the craziest spots...
Have a Great Day..
Happy Valentine's Day...
Have you done any sewing.??
Anonymous said…
Did you get your Secret Pal gift yet????
Hope you liked it>>>
Anonymous said…
I need to know two of your favorite colors for Little Miss's room????
Hope you get your computer up and running...
Have a Great Week..

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