Jon & Kate Tragedy

Ok, don’t freak, my favorite TV family is just fine but I want to punish my DVR. Jon & Kate plus Eight is my favorite TV show. I record it every week and I can’t live without it (yep, I may die). So where, you say, is the tragedy? Apparently this week's episode is called “Gosselins Go Skiing” so my DVR, being the stupid machine that it is, did not record it. Lucky for everyone, TLC replays the episode at 9pm. So now I sit here and wait for 9 to come along so I can watch my show.

In the mean time let me entertain you with what Jim does when I let him get a hold of my computer.
He found the camera and the special effects buttons. He only had it for a few minutes while I emailed Robin at Red Thread Stitches (her address was on his computer) to see if she could change my order since my secret pal got me the same exact dress I ordered. They were different sizes but I thought if she had not started I would see if I could get something a little different. She was going to start my dress yesterday when she saw my email and was happy to change it. I will post it when I get it, which may be a while, because I told her I could wait, there was no hurry, especially because I don’t think Little Miss will be here anytime this year. It sounds like Robin got more than 10 times the orders than she expected!!

Well I have almost wasted the hour until John & Kate. Have a good week everyone!


Anonymous said…
Gosh that husband of yours is one awesome guy! He is funny and cute!!!
Anonymous said…
I would like to add that he has his own blog now,
Kim said…
Okay... your husband is cracking me up...
That is tooo funny..
I record Jon & Kate also.. but I have already watched them going skiing. The first part anyway..
So glad you could change the dress... Robin is wonderful.. I have ordered also.. told her mine wasn't a rush either..
Have a Great Week..
Anonymous said…
Wowie !!!! He just gets better looking every day.
momtoo said…
Wow! Your husband is just a little bit crazy. Big fat Russian looking guy all the way to a simple person picking dandylion flowers. The kind that you pick and blow-it-to-the-wind. The special effects are really something else. I did enjoy them will show them to Dad.

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