Slow Day

Today was a take it easy kind of day. We got up late (OK it was me that got up late). We did not even take many pictures today. We went to the mining museum it was only $2 and worth the price of admission. We got some cool rocks from Arizona to take home. We could have just picked up rocks but they would not be as pretty.

After that we found a Rubio’s for lunch. It is fast food but we like it and we can’t get anything like it in WA. When we lived in CA we would go to Roseville on the weekend to shop or to just get away from home and we would usually have street tacos at Rubio’s. It was a getaway every weekend for me especially since I lived next door to work I needed to get out or I went a little Coocoo. I sure am glad I don’t live that close to work anymore.

After that we went souvenir shopping and just plain wandering. We also semi-packed so we don’t have to worry about it too much tomorrow. It is going to be so hard to go home. I love the weather, although I don’t know how much I will like it when it gets hotter and stays that way all night. So early Sunday morning (butt crack of dawn again) we leave to go back home.

Bethany and Bryan took us out to dinner at Four Peaks Brewery. It was fun and they had really good food and beer. More good food in Phoenix, we have made a point of not eating anywhere (except Starbucks) that we could get at home. It has been working so far.

Still don’t know what we are going to do tomorrow but again I am sure we will find something. Maybe a hike that won’t kill me or who knows Jim might even find a new museum. There is always the science center but it looks like the same thing we have seen in Seattle. They have the Titanic exhibit but we saw that in Seattle in like 2000 or 2001. It was when I was skinny because I have a picture on our TV stand of me there. That is one thing I don’t want is a picture of fat Cora in the same place for comparison. Or maybe I can convince Jim that even though we can do it at home “Horton Hears a Who” is in need of being watched in Phoenix.


Kim said…
I am sooo glad you guys are having so much fun..
You can move here and then we can do things together, or just hang out...
Have fun tomorrow..
Anonymous said…
Well, yesterday was nice, but how about the Apache Trail today? Maybe we can put that rental car to the test!
Anonymous said…
Hey it looks like you are a little "tired" & a bit "runned over". Your pics have been the greatest. Miss you just the same. Hope you had a great last day. Come home and we will catch up even more. Sully says HI. Mom

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