Emily & Ryan

One year ago we were at a wedding. It was the marriage of my sister Emily and her husband Ryan. There were a few bumps in the day, like the judge not showing up to marry them and spending too much time in the un-air-conditioned limo and the cake ending up on the DJ table. I was glad I was not there for the great cake move; I would have some gray hairs after that for sure. It was, overall, a good wedding. I had too much fun! It could have stemmed from the fact that the stress of the day was over, they were married, and also the fact the alcohol was never far from my cup. Here are a few pictures of the day for those who were not there or those who were but either missed something or would like to relive the experience.

Keep in mind it was Jim's goal to dance with everyone, he got most people.

Credits go to Emily for providing the pictures. Our camera was not working very well so Jim used hers since she was busy. We have since bought the same camera, Jim liked it so much.
Congratulations Emily and Ryan!!
PS if anyone has pictures of Jim dancing in Nicole's shoes I will pay good money for them!


Jimh. said…
Obviously we had a great time, but I don't recall dancing in someone else's shoes. I think you were drinking a bit that night, maybe you imagined it. It was a great wedding!
Anonymous said…
Aha!! I knew I remembered Jim dancing with the groom. It wasn't a false memory after all.
Kim said…
Looks like you all had a GREAT time...
LOVE the pictures...
And I too would LOVE to see Jim dancing in her shoes..
Anonymous said…
Some of us are scarred for life due to Jim and having to dance with us! :) But Jim dancing with Ryan will be something that I will never forget! That was awesome and I love the picture of it!
Anonymous said…
Hey, thanks for letting me be part of a post! I love looking at your blog! Little Miss will love it too, especialy making fun of Uncle Ryan. lol.

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