We've Been Pulished!

We got our vacation book today!! Jim and I both love it. It is as good as or better than we thought it was going to be. It came faster than we thought it would, too. We just ordered it last Sunday and it is already here. It is the perfect way to share our wonderful vacation with our friends and family. Also, it was so easy to do.

We will definitely do this again it was well worth the money, which really was not that bad. We went through Costco and it was only about $60 for over 300 pictures and we could have put more in but some pages only have one picture. We could have saved ourselves $5 bucks but we sprang for the printed cover and it turned out really good.

Here are a couple pics for those of you not lucky enough to see it in person.


Jimh. said…
I love it! It is so cool! I recommend it to anyone with a camera and a computer...or anyone with a friend with camera and a computer.
Kim said…
How neat...
I am glad we made your book..
I feel sooo special..
The show was AMAZING tonight..
I met Donna and her mother..
Have a Great Sunday..
Anonymous said…
I love the book. What a great way to save pictures. Much better than the old way of having 900 pictures in a box to shuffle through. The price is very good!!!
Anonymous said…
Wow what a great idea! Since I am beginning to hate scrapbooking since I never seem to get it done. Somehow it reminds me of dishes and the wash, always there to do again. Looking forward to seeing the real thing. love you mom

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