More Clippies!

I came home to a small package today, Yippee. I forgot I even bought these it has been a couple weeks. They are really cute! I should have got 2 caterpillars but oh well.

I also got a renewal pack for our 171H from our agency. It is time to start getting things together, we are keeping our fingers crossed that this will be the only time that we need to do this because the next time it will cost us. The goverment has so kindly decided that we can have one free renewal.
I guess Jim will have to find a doctor last time he went to the University Clinic and he is opposed to going to the doctor when he is healthy, too bad. This one seems easier than the last one with all the tests and I don't think it needs to be notarized boy was that a pain.


Kim said…
We are renewing ours too.. Nick did his fingerprints. and then we just go see the Social worker with a couple paycheck stubs and cough up some money and then we are done..
We don't have to go to the dr. again..
LOVE the clippies...
Jimh. said…
I fail to see the benefit to me of going to the Dr. when there is nothing wrong with me. You know they charge you whether you are healthy or not! They should say, well, Mr. Huffman, you are perfetly healthy, this one's for free. Of course, next time you come in with a cold, I will make you pay through the nose, if it isn't too full of snot (we don't like snotty money).
Christie said…
Hey there- thanks for always visiting and saying "howdy" over in KeiraJoy land...just wanted to visit and check out your bloggy corner...



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