Operation "Make Room For Baby"

It is official exhaustion has set in. We are in full swing in operation "Make Room For Baby" and so far the purging is helping eliminate our clutter. I would love to say that I am a neat freak and I have no clutter but we all know that Emily got all the clean genes.

We removed the full size bed from the future kid room and we are cleaning out the other room so we can move the chest freezer. The major disadvantage to not having a garage, no place for the freezer. I reorganized all of my fabric and condensed the totes. Then I went though LM's closet to start getting it ready to stop holding our stuff and start holding hers. That room now contains several piles of yard sale stuff, that I will price this week. I hope we will be ready by next weekend. One thing we have decided on is nothing comes back in the house, what does not sell is going to the good will or St. Vincents.

I will not continue to bore anyone with cleaning details, pictures will follow when we are done. In the mean time please feel free to enjoy the way Jim decided to move the mattresses back to the shed. I refused to ride with him, mostly so i could take blog pictures. I did tell him that I would walk around and help when they fell off but amazingly enough they made it around the block.

Please ignore the neighbors pile I think he is building a Boma to keep the lions out.


Kim said…
Great Job...
You did a lot today...
LOVE Jim's moving skills... Only a man would do that ....LOL..
I can not wait to see the BABIES room... I am sooo excited.. that will help me with colors... LOL..
I hope the blanket goes with your room...HUGS..
Have a Great Evening..
Jimh. said…
So that's what you call brush piles...Bhuma.

Now, I take exception to the phraseology, I am a professional mover of mattresses. AND it worked.

Only a long way to go on the kid room.
Lorrene said…
I'm sorta confused as usual. Are you preparing two kid rooms? Or are you just making more room in the spare room for the extra things you have collected. I enjoy the pictures. Emily didn't get her clean genes from me.
Julie said…
So exciting! I find that when I do a clean up like this is helps me organize my thoughts as well ...

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