The Crib Pictures and more

As promised here are some pictures of the crib put together in the room. We have video but I need to download it and edit it and I have not got there yet. It is funny how one purchase leads to another now we need an external hard drive to hold all the video we are now accumulating.

of couse we had to test sort of worked for awhile

I can't remember if I posted about the changing table pad but we decided on the contour thanks for the input! I also got a super soft fuzzy cover in a matching green color.

now all we need it a dresser so put all the clothes that I am accquiring in, next is the removal of the disney theme for a less commercial jungle theme.


Lorrene said…
Wow, it looks like you are just about ready. Looking good. I can't wait to see what Toby will do. He will probably think he is the guard dog.
Kim said…
LOVE the pictures of the baby bed....
The panda and the blanket look wonderful on the bed..
LOVE the changing looks great with the changing table.. Love all the goodies under the table.. you know me.. always a deal at target....
I am really looking forward to see BB in the crib..
Hurry up and bring on the files...
Hugs girly..
Jimh. said…
Excellent choice in cribs. That one looks great. I think the hnging table turned out well. Now, we need to find a place for you to sew...LOL!
Jimh. said…
changing table is what I had intended to type, but this old computer had other ideas.
Kelly & Todd said…
The room looks great and I love how the changing table turned out. Here's hoping BB's referral arrives very soon :-)

I just sent you an e-mail thank you for the WONDERFUL cybershower gifts. We just loved them and can't thank you enough. Our package to you should arrive soon as it was mailed on Tuesday.

Have a great rest of the week and long weekend!

-- kelly & todd :-)
Anonymous said…
The crib is really nice. I can't wait to see everything together!!


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