HTML Editor I am not, but I try, he he he. You may notice that I have a new background. Diana's new signature inspired me. So I googled adding new blogger backgounds, you can learn any thing from a google search, you may not want to learn everything that the search results reveal but hey it is a good start. Anyway, I think I might do a little more tweaking but it is better than what I had. Cool huh? I will still call on Diana when I am ready for that complete blogover but for now I am loving learning what little I can, besides it keeps me busy during these long waits in the mountain climber camp.


E said…
Me, like. I was actually searching the other day for a background and never got any further than the search. But, Me likes. Good job. I give you 8 Doritos for that.
Looks good! Keep climbing!
Kim said…
Looks good..
I am sure you can do it..
Have a Great Day..
Jimh. said…
cool background! Have a good Columbus Day!

It is really nice! I like your cute signature also.

Are you going to to to the AAO fundraiser dinner?
Kelly & Todd said…
I love the new background and your signature too :-) Isn't it fun when it works out the way you want.

I was tweaking our quilt blog this weekend and managed to upload a new header and also figured out how to change the background paper. I even managed to start posting the squishes we've received. I'm on a mission to finsih now.

Have a great week -- kelly :-)
Anonymous said…
I LOVE IT!!!! I really the color scheme!
Lisa said…
Good job, Cora!!!! Wow! I taught myself how to do the strikethrough on HTML this weekend and thought I was HOT STUFF, man! :) You did great!

Love that we both thought of PF Changs for our special dates....and I love that you ALSO noticed the heart. How could this be the first time I noticed? Must have been in a food coma.

Thanks for coming by!


Lorrene said…
It looks great !!!

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