Leavenworth and More

Well, I was going to do my 18th month scrapbook page with this picture but inspiration is eluding me at this time. I am going to get it done eventually, because I would like to put them all in a book one day, hopefully, before it is time for 19.

Jim and I had a wonderful time in Leavenworth, although somehow we missed the cheese monger shop. Well, I guess that gives us a reason to go back. We did find the fudge hut and I was more than pleased to walk away with 6 different flavors of fudge, although I would have been happy with just 3 Maple Nut, peanut butter/chocolate and Chocolate Fudge. It puts me in the holiday mood. I love making candy and baking for the holidays, I just wish I had more time. It has really sucks trying to save all my vacation and sick time for an adoption trip that seems like it may never happen. I have even considered trying to get pregnant again, even though I know that will lead to severe emotional breakdowns ( I don’t handle the hormones that they give you very well). It would also entail painful medical procedures, probably trips to Seattle, (nearest fertility clinic, the last time I checked) and lots and lots of money. To think I wasted all that birth control. Sorry, probably too much information. Well, I think I just talked myself out of fertility treatments, it sounds miserable. So I guess we just wait. I feel like our life is on hold sometimes. Sorry, I digressed a little bit there, back to cookies.

Yesterday, I made pumpkin cookies and they were yummy, I wanted to try the cookie press that I found at a yard sale this summer and I think there are some tricks I need to learn but over all I liked it. I was going to make our favorite pumpkin cookies tonight but we ended going to dinner so I will put it off until tomorrow. I have to make them though because I had to buy a giant can of pumpkin because the little tiny store in our teeny tiny city only had the giant cans and I was not in the mood to go all the way in to the Big City to a real grocery store, so I paid a fortune for a giant can of pumpkin that was probably 3 years old. Now I have enough pumpkin for lots of cookies and maybe a pie.

Oh, also, guess who we saw in Leavenworth? Ok, I am not going to really make you guess, that would be stupid. We ran into the directors of our agency and their family. They were on their annual fall family trip to see the shops and get some freshly harvested apples. We of course could not resist asking if they had our referral yet, not that we thought they were with holding it. But no more information, I am not even sure what we are waiting for any more. I hope that we are not being scammed by Burundi but the thought does cross my mind, I guess I find it hard to be trusting, what is the saying “once bitten, twice shy” Any way, we decided not to pester them too much but got a couple Leavenworth shopping tips from them. They are always so nice, I just wish they had more information for us although I know they are doing their best and it is not their fault things are slow.

I will leave you with a couple more pictures from our day trip. And tomorrow cookies!!


Kim said…
LOVE the pictures..
Looks like you had a WONDERFUL Day...
Sorry to hear that you are having doubts on BB.. But you will have him soon..
Keep your chin up.. Adoption is not a fast thing..
I am always here for you girly..
and on a side note.. Okay.. if you have way to many cookies and candy's for the holiday's.. The Bison Family would LOVE some.. cause thier mom doesn't bake very well..lol.
Have a Great Evening..
Hugs girly..
Love ya
Ha ha Jim.. I am first.. or you beat me only becuase you already read it..
Jimh. said…
Cora, I enjoyed our day together! And the Beer!

Kim...well, I felt sorry for you. And, I et ll of her cookies! Ha Ha Ha!

Speaking of which, YUMMY!!!
Jimh. said…
that should read: I EAT ALL OF HER COOKIES!!!
Looks like a wonderful day! Pretty pics!
Lorrene said…
You really got some nice pictures. That little town is a beautiful place. Your babies are taking their sweet time, but it'll be so worth it. It can't be much longer.It's the longest pregnancy in history.
Lisa said…
That looks like a fun trip, Cora....sorry you are feeling so blue about Burundi and the long wait. Surely, every day is one step closer to your baby and one less day in the waiting process. I hope God will bring you some encouragement SOON.
Margaret M said…
Love these pictures! It looks like you both had so much fun!

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