Nine Years Ago

Jim and I were married. It is hard to imagine it has been that long. Five years almost to the day after our first date we were married. I had a hard time writing this post and I am not sure why. 9 years ago I would have imagined our lives very differently than they have turned out. So I think I will leave you with this quote from my favorite husband's favorite authors.

"I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I needed to be." Douglas Adams

(and just for Jim "Remember, Kiss")


Cheri and Shane said…
Wishing you and your husband a VERY Happy Anniversary! :)
Jimh. said…
Happy Anniversary My Love! We look so young! I love you!!!!!!!
Christie said…
Awwww! Happy Anniversary!!!!
Kelly & Todd said…
Happy Anniversary to the both of you. Enjoy your special day!!

-- kelly :-)

PS - Thanks for your support in signing the petition.
Happy Anniversary! I hope it's a special day. I have a gift for check your email later!
Kim said…
Happy Anniversary..
Have a Great Day..
Anonymous said…
Congratulations on 9 years!
Lorrene said…
I was there and I knew the marriage would be a success. I think you were made for each other.
Unknown said…
Happy Anniversary!
Lisa said…
Wow! 9 years! Congratulations, Cora!!! I loved the quote...hope you do it up right to celebrate.
Margaret M said…
So glad you had a wonderful Anniversary! I love Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy!!!! The journey is what it is all about!

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