Thanks for a Good Weekend

I just wanted to say thank you to everyone that commented to wish us a Happy Anniversary, I think I had more comments on that post than any before. It is so great to feel the love.
Diana made me this great signature, she does great work, Thanks Diana.

Jim and I went out to Dinner at PF Changs on Thursday, it was good. It is nice to go out to a place we don't visit often, although we did order the regulars orange peel beef, spicy chicken, and Sichuan aspargas. After dinner we went to B&N to browse, it was a good evening.

Friday night my sister, Molly, called and was in town so she accompanied me to the chiropractor and then we went to Best Buy to get my anniversary gift from jim. I have been wanting an ipod but after some research we decided to get me a Zune which is microsoft's version. I have been playing with that in all my spare moments. Thanks Jim you are the best.

Molly and I got Pizza and we hung out the rest of the evening. It was so much fun, I have not seen her in a long time. We all get so busy it is hard to get together just because, but when we do we always have a great time.

Yesterday was the geocaching birthday party for Carrie and Scott. We had a ton of fun. I must include the fact that my team won the race!! But there was a problem with the coordinates for Carries team so there is no telling who really would have been first (although I believe it would have still been my team :0) but it was all in good fun. Stop by Jim's blog for pictures, I am too lazy right now to find them, sorry.

Today we are taking it easy, watching some movies, doing some laundry, paying some bills (well not quite yet, I am good at procrastination), and sewing a little.

Have a great week everyone, I will be back with a mountian climbing report early next week.


Kim said…
Sounds like a WONDERFUL last 3 days..
Love your siggy... Diana does wonderful work..
Glad you are having a relaxing day.. me too..
Got the closet cleaned out ,bills paid , winner drawn and revealed and laundry done..
Have a Great evening.
Love ya girly..
Siggy looks good. I am glad you were able to get it to work right! Sounds like you had a wonderful anniversary celebration. Enjoy it now, cause when you get to 18 like will be too tired, too poor, and too busy to celebrate! LOL!
Margaret M said…
Love the signature. that is a great self taken photo of you and Jim on his blog! I am so glad you enjoyed your anniversary!
Jimh. said…
KIM!! You can come up here and relax anytime, so long as relaxin means you pay bills, clean, and do laundry! I will pour you a glass of the liquid refreshent of your choice! Oh, and I do the cooking!

Your new Signature looks great! Thanks Diana, I appreciate people who appreciate my Cora!

I am glad you like your Zune! It was SO hard to decide! I look forward to stealing it sometime soon (and putting my music on it)!

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