Weekend Recap

I hate that weekends seem so short. I can’t believe it is already Sunday night and we have to go back to work tomorrow. Here is the run down:

Friday, I got off a little early so we could pick up our police letters and get our financial statements notarized, the letter were not ready but we will bug then every day until we get them this week. In this adoption thing persistence is best in my opinion, as Jim quotes “never give up never surrender” from Galaxy Quest. We then went out for dinner, Mongolian BBQ, and we were going to go to a movie but changed our minds when we got sucked into a 25% off Sale for teachers at Borders bookstore.

We got a couple things, just for fun.

Then we came home and had an evening of reading and no TV and no computers, it was great.
Saturday, we headed down to Jim’s sisters house for a kinda pre-birthday party. It was just Jim’s parents, Carrie, Scott, the Kids, and one of their friends. It was fun we went on a small treasure hunt so that Carrie and Scott could get a taste for it. We had a lot of fun just kinda hanging out and playing Carom.

This is David saying "Uncle Jim, I am not going to smile no matter how hard you try" We put the camera away and it was all smiles.

Today started out slow with some tv watching and being lazy. Then we did a little house work and went shopping, we got a few groceries and some stuff at Target. I was good but I did find a coupl things that were not on the list. The little shorts were only 98 cents! Woo Hoo, I love a bargain!

This afternoon we accompanied my Mom to the pet store so that she could get a clean up crew for her tank. She got some emerald crabs, some hermit crabs, some snails and a lawn mower blenny. And we ended up with a couple more emerald crabs, and a couple snails. We also got some Sea Mat coral, it is very cool.

There would be more pics of our new inhabitants but the battery died in the camera, this was the last shot.

When we were are my mom and dad's house, some neighbors from down the street stopped by. Nam and Tung have lived down the street for years, I went to school with thier sons. It was really nice catching up.


Kim said…
LOVE the books.. and sounds like you had sooo much fun yesterday...
Make sure you bug them every sec.
Have a Great Week.
Let's hope this is the week..
Hugs to you..
Love ya girly..
Jimh. said…
I hd fun this weekend, nd I am just SO GLAD we were both feeling better! Look how much we got done! Well, at least we got the lawn mowed and some bottles of water!
Sounds like a good weekend!
Margaret M said…
Ohhh, the paperchase....hope it goes well and quickly. I loved seeing the book, if you give a cat a cupcake. I don't have that one! Have a wonderful week...the countdown to the weekend has already started for me.
Anonymous said…
Sounds like you had a great weekend! I love the pigeon books! They are adorable!

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