Blog Readability

Diana over at Diana Rambles led me to a blog readability site. You put in your URL and find out what readability level your blog is. Mine is Genius, now I think that means it takes a genius to read my blog and that makes perfect sense because all of my readers are beyond brilliant! Check it out it was kinda fun.

blog readability test

Today, Jim and I went grocery shopping and then came home and took down the tree and put away most of the ornaments. Above are the ornaments from the tree, I love them all and I was having fun taking pictures of them. We need to rearrange the living room so I have more room to play work out with my Wii Fit. I am probably going to get in trouble for not working out today, you know from the virtual trainer, but all the cleaning up and walking around Wal-Mart, Top Foods and Costco is surely a work out.

Hope everyone had a great Sunday. I am not looking forward to going back to work tomorrow these last 5 days have gone too fast. I might decide to take an extra day off next week, it is hard to save vacation days. I am hoping that I will get to use them all up next year but in the mean time I sometimes need a break.


Kim said…
Sounds like a Great Day...
I got all of our Christmas stuff put away and the house is sparkling..
I won't tellyou what my blog was rated...
Sorry you have to go back to work..
I will be really dreading it come next Tuesday..
Jimh. said…
You neglected to mention the deviousness and hostility of the tree before we got rid of it.

You have alot of cute ornaments, but I would like to direct everyone's attention to the AWESOME airplanes in the background! Oh, Yeah, those are mine!

Thanks for a great weekend!
Amy said…
Cora, I'm betting that next time you pull those ornaments out to decorate your Christmas tree, you'll have at least one little "helper" (besides Jim ;) to work with! Now THAT is something to look forward to (and save vacation days for!). I feel your pain, though, I head back to work on Tuesday...short week though, and the New Year promises to be a blessed one! :)
Welcome to the Genius club. Since Jim & Kim leave so many comments I thought you might get a lower score...but alas real genius shines through!!! LOL!
Michelle said…
Very jealous of your Wii fit! Have fun with it!
Unknown said…
Great orderments. We too took down all our decoration. Have a great week. (thinking about getting the Wii fit)
Margaret M said…
I feel even smarter now! Let me know what you really think of your Wii Fit.
E said…
Well I tried the blog reading level thing. Is elementary bad? Or does that just mean I will never be a part of mensa? Like I just have a broader reading audience or something?

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