Merry Christmas on our 20 month LID

Merry Christmas to all! We are having a great weekend spending time with family and relaxing. I hope every one else is enjoying the holiday as well. Pictures of our time will follow but for now I am just taking a short break.

It is also our 20 month LID-iversary in China. During this time of year it is easy to think about how much we miss the children that we don't even know yet but it is also a time of hope. My hope for next year is that we get the chance to know at least one of those children. Next week is a new year and a new hope, I am truly looking forward to what is to come in our lives.

Happy Holidays to all!


Peta-maree said…
Merry Christmas.

I hope that this year is the year that you become a mommy.
Jimh. said…
One day at a time, right? We can do it. I have been enjoying this Christms Day with you! I love you!
Kim said…
Happy 20 months..
You will see BB in 2009 and 2010 will be the year of our girls..
We are in this together.
Love ya girly..
Merry Christmas..
Hope your day was WONDERFUL
Unknown said…
Merry Christmas & another step closer. 20 down!
20 down...hopefully less to go!
E said…
What's this I see? You follow a gal I went to school with but, but, but not me? Ohhhh the pain, the stinging in my eyes. I only have 2 and one is not you! I shall go cry in silence now. sniff sniff.. I even have the Twilight series sniff sniff..Don't look at me, don't look at me.. Got a tissue? :)
E said…
Oh and I got a sewing machine for christmas so if you want to do like a sewing for idiots blog that would be great! Thanks for following. Hey need to borrow a book?
Blessed Nest said…
Happy New Year! I hope and pray your little one's find you soon..they will! Blessings!
Amy said…
Merry Christmas, Cora and Jim!

You're getting closer every day!...May this New Year be the year that you hold your babies in your arms!!!

With Love and Prayers,

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