Another Busy Weekend

We had a good weekend. Nothing exciting happened but it was relatively productive. Saturday we went out to check out carpet cleaners. I have put off getting one because we have no place to store it. But we need one and we'll just have to find a place. So we ended up with a Bissel. Then I came home and started laundry, worked on a pattern I got last weekend and cleaned up a bit.

I roasted a whole chicken for dinner with lemon butter and garlic. It was so good. Jim added a salad and we had a great Valentines Day dinner. But can I just say something here about whole chickens. It has been a while since I made a whole one we prefer to buy ours frozen in pieces, it lasts longer that way. Did I just buy the wrong type or do they not put the "parts" in a little paper bag anymore? I am sorry to all you lovers of internal chicken organs but GROSS. That is the last thing I want to reach my hand in and find floating around in there. I am sorry but I will not be eating any blood filtering parts and I just wish the chicken people would put them in hot dogs where you don't know what you are eating anyway. I guess I was just unprepared for those little morsels of chicken. I just would like to see a return to the paper bag where I can dispose of them unseen and untouched.

Yesterday we got up and got busy working on the house again. Jim worked in the bedroom and I continued my pattern. When Jim had all the furniture from our bedroom in the living room, I put together the carpet cleaner and got busy in the bedroom. I went over the carpet twice and the water was still gross. It needed it bad. I then had Jim rinse it because by the time I was done going over it twice I was starting to feel it in my hips.

After a short break I went back to sewing. Check out my Little Miss Blanket Blog to see my latest creation. I sewed until 8 (with a short break for dinner) and then stopped to watch Amazing Race (we can only get that channel in the bedroom) then back to sewing. I think I finished by 9:30.

So as you can see nothing too exciting. We are really trying to become more organized and get the house in order but it means a few weekends like this with not much excitement. Although, next weekend I am going to my sisters Pampered Chef party. I have a few things I know I "need". I also want to get my blanket blog in better condition so I can start selling a few things from there or at least link to my etsy site better. It is either start selling my wares fast or get a second job.

Happy Presidents Day!


Kim said…
Sounds like a great weekend..
I am still doing laundry due to being too busy all weekend.. had to clean today.. and LOVE,LOVE ,LOVE the little dress..
Have a great week.
Jimh. said…
You neglected to mention WHY your hips hurt. I could not believe you could still do the splits! You SHOULD leave grooving to the music to the young!Love ya!

Oh, and that dress IS really cute! Good job Baby!
Sounds like a great weekend. Great job on the dress.
E said…
I love my carpet machine. I don't know how I lived without it. Kinda like my cell phone. lol
Lorrene said…
I echo what E said. I love mine too. The last time I had the Professionals do it they charged an arm and a leg. I don't have any arms and legs left.
E said…
O and BTW I was talking to you in my blog, just in case you did not get my e-mail. :)

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