And the Thunder Rolled

I am not sure if that is the name of the song but Garth Brooks sings (or sang) a song with that lyric in it. At the beginning of the song there is the sound of thunder. It was one of the first CD's that my parents bought when they got their first CD player. My Dad would turn up the sound on that part and our poor little dog would hide under what ever he could find and shiver. I know it was kinda mean but it was so realistic even the dog could not tell the difference. He was a little terrier/poodle mix named Snoopy. In his older age he became allergic to fleas and basically anything on his skin and he itched himself red and lost all the hair on his back but hey he was like 14 years old and we loved him so it didn't matter to us much but when we took him out he got stares. People would ask "What kind of dog is that?" I used to answer "Well, he is an Asian Red Butt" He then turned from disgusting to exotic it was interesting to see how peoples reactions suddenly changed.

So why do I suddenly talk about a childhood pet and thunder? Well it is thundering outside and Jim was trying to grill with Toby. So I just had to share our current little terrier is not scared of thunder at all or rain for that matter.


Kim said…
Ok.. that is tooo funny....
Toby and Jim are two peas in a pod..
Have a great weekend..
Jimh. said…
That's two peas under an umbrella!

Hey! We don't give up grilln' very easily!!

Besides, Toby, while unhappy to run in the rain, asked to come up out of the rain for a moment..."Please dad?" I suggested he go inside and he just looked at me like I was a goof!

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