Great giant cookies, Batman! it is a Giant Fortune Cookie giveaway! And I must win! Ok, I would be just as happy if some one I know wins and shares with me! So go on over to Diana Rambles and check it out. And if you don't win but want to buy me a yummy giant chocolate covered, did I mention before it was COVERED in chocolate? Cause it is so covered in chocolate. Sorry I was distracted by chocolate for a minute. So here is where you go to buy me one and remember Cora really likes milk chocolate, hint hint.

Good Luck.


Jimh. said…
Monsters and monster cookies for my girl?! Argh! I'm never gonna be able to get you a normal gift!
That was a cute post! We entered last night. Oh how I would LOVE to win this one!!!

At least I have a new idea when hubby asks what I want for my birthday. :)

Have a great day!

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