So what have you been doing?

Sorry I have been kind of out of the blogging mood lately. I have been keeping up with others blogs though so really I might already know what you have been doing :0). I went through a bit of a bitter/not fair stage lately but I think I am coming out of it. A good long cry always helps.

I have been sewing, I have one more order to finish then I am going to work on a new outfit and that I hope to reveal next week! I also need to make a few things for BB, the curtains for BB’s room, anyone got a simple pattern? I bought lining to keep the light out but I am not sure how to attach it. A ring sling and a cover for the high chair we have.

We got our new washer and dryer so I have been doing a lot of laundry. Last weekend we spent a lot of time organizing and it is looking great! I should have taken before and after pictures but I was too embarrassed at the sorry unorganized state of the before laundry room. We are going to try and keep it that way but if you truly know us you know it might be a mess again soon but at least we are attempted it. You can see pictures at Jim’s blog, (you will also see pictures of our dinners, flowers and the sky and you thought my posts were random.)

I got one of my packages that USPS sent back, I am still waiting for the other one. I think I might give up on that one. I have a couple more on the way that I am tracking closely.

So as you can see nothing much has happened in the past week.


Anonymous said…
Good intensions about keeping even a small room clean and straighten up. I have a whole house that's a mess. I understand about needing a good cry too. Last couple of weeks I have been fighting a rash on my arms and now it has moved to the rest of my body. The doctor says it is hives caused by something new in my life. The newest thing is my rash so there goes that idea. I can't take the steroids because it causes me to break out in HIVES. So I continue to itch and to hurt. We took the Llama hair out of the house, changed back to the laundry soap we used to use 8 months ago, washed all the bedding, vacuumed everything, stopped a medicine I have been on for the past 6-8 months and stopped eating nuts. Now I am back into bad pain at nights (and also day) that the med was helping with. I still itch. I am still breaking out with new spots and I want to cry. So hang in there Cora and I will too. Bert told me to bath in baking soda for the itching, which I have yet to do. Here's thinking of you. mom
Jimh. said…
What do you mean RANDOM? You just have to follow the flow of my reasoning! It makes sense in my head!
Kim said…
I am always here for you girly..
We all go thorugh a rough time on this extremely long journey..
I sooo can not wait to see the new outfit..even though I don't want to see it I will want to buy it ..
Did you get the package for Izzy's outfit???
I sooo hope everything comes..
Love ya girly..
Lorrene said…
It's been said that it's darkest just before the dawn. So maybe your dawn is about to dawn. I don't know of anybody that deserves it more than you. Keep on sewing!! ê¿è ♥ Ü
Margaret M said…
Thinking of you and if you ever need to chat or need a cyber shoulder, I am here for you! I too take breaks when I am feeling overwhelmed so I totally understand that! Sometimes it is just hard to put it into words what you are feeling and sometimes, I just can't share all that I'm feeling!
:( I am so sorry you have been down in the dumps. You just need to take care of yourself. We totally all understand. IT is not easy this path we have choosen. In the end though it will be worth it and then some!!! Hang in there Cora....

Hi Cora,

Thanks for comming to my new
blog! I have been a lurker
over the years. I so understand
about getting in a blogging

Take Care,


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