Yard Sale Adventures and more

Saturday we went to some yard sales. I was not looking for anything specific but just some kids stuff and a chance to get out of the house. It was so much fun. I found some great finds too. We found a whole neighborhood where they were all having sales it was really cool just to walk around in a new place and try to find some bargains.

I got all these toys for less than $5

LM got some cute clothes that are almost new looking.

BB got his fair share of cute clothing. I hate searching through piles of clothes never knowing if they have the right sizes but this person had boys and girls separated in tubs according to size it was great.

I got a whole assortment of animals for a couple bucks.

And last but not least my big find of the day, a Little Tikes Climber for the backyard. This is a pirated picture because it is not put together yet bit it will look very similar to this! I can't wait to see BB and LM climbing all over this.
I got all my orders caught up on Saturday so I Sunday in between helping pack and clean my grandpa's house and doing our laundry I made this little project. What do you think? You can get your very own over at Little Miss Blankets and Stuff . So check it our and tell your friends about the new outfit that will help to bring our babies home!

Have a great week everyone.


OMG...that is tooo cute!! Great job!! Kim is going to go ga-ga over it. And what AWESOME finds at garage sales!
Kim said…
Yes I am going ga ga over it.. and I can't buy anymore.. NOT FAIR..not like I haven't bought from you...LOL>.
I will be sure to post this adorable little outfit..
Lorrene said…
What a cute little outfit. It is adorable. You really did find some super good things at the yard sales.
Jimh. said…
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Jimh. said…
It's a great way to show your child's patriotism!
I love a great find! It looks like you hit the jackpot on the Little Tikes play set. You usually have to be the early bird to find them around here. Love the new outfit! I'm off to check out your adorable outfit!

Have a great day!

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