Wonderful Surprise!

We got new pictures of BB tonight. I am beyond thrilled and excited and wish i could share pictures on here but don't want to jeopardize anything until we are officially his parents. I am keeping a private blog that I am going to open up to friends and family soon. That will be the blog that we use for travel as well. I can't believe that I am actually going to say this the last 6 months have melted a little with the thrill of seeing my boy again. We also got to see pictures of BB with his Burundi "sister" I hope they always have a special relationship, a shared history that we will never be able to completely understand. I am so hoping that she is on the fast track to being with her forever family and so excited for her special family.

I am hoping to get more answers to my long list of questions but if I don't you know what they say, a picture is worth a thousand words. I think my heart grew a few sizes tonight just think of the mess I am going to be in when we are finally holding him.


Jimh. said…
If you're going to be a "mess," I'll be a blubbering idiot...something I inherited from my father, I suppose. I am ecstatic!!!!!!!!!!!!! Love you!
Kim said…
I am sooo excited..
Love ya both..
Lorrene said…
I am so happy about the pictures. I cannot wait much longer. He is an adorable precious little guy and after the adjustment he will go through I know he will be very happy with his new home.
Unknown said…
That is great! Hope the good news comes soon. Donna
YIPEE!!! I am just so excited for you that you have a new picture. I am teary just thinking about it.....

I can't wait to share in your journey to BB. Do you have names picked out?

Seems like the give away is moving along! I can't wait to see who wins!

I am calling AAO today!!!!

Margaret M said…
I am soooooo Happy for you! The pictures we received of Graeme during our 6 month wait to travel are the only thing that got me through that crazy time. Hoping you have BB in your arms SOON! Hugs!
A. Gillispie said…
Yee-haw!!!! Getting a new picture melts away so much heart ache! And just imagine how all of the pain of waiting will melt away once he is in your arms!!!!
Christie said…
Oh Cora!!! How exciting!

I hope you get to see BB in person very soon!

Ok, admittedly I selfishly want to see BB too - but we can wait until it's safe. Boo hoo!
C and G said…
We got pictures a couple of weeks ago too! A few Italian families that are/were adopting from Burundi were picking up their kids and they took pictures for me. What a treat - makes the long wait a little less hard.
Awesome news!! Hopefully that's his "sister" and not his wife...I heard they can't be adopted if they are married. LOL!!!! Can't wait to see you with your son!!
Kayce said…
Wonderful news!!! Enjoy staring at his face and dreaming of what's to come!!
How exciting!!!

Have a great weekend!
Kelly said…
That's SO exciting!!! I'm happy for you both!
Anonymous said…
Those photos are the best. What more can I say that everyone else hasn't already said. I am so excided about seeing him and now I want so much to be able to either help get you on that plane on your way and/or to meet you getting off the plane carrying him. I am crying just thinking about it. All your love and hopes will be expressed by each one of us in the family who are sooooo behind you in this great adventure of a life time. mom
Kelly & Todd said…
Oh Cora - what wonderful news!!!! I'm so happy for you and Jim. I hope you not only get the answers to your questions, but are traveling very soon. I can't wait to "meet" BB and see him in your arms!

-- kelly :-)

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