10 Years

You are going to have to excuse this post it is a little sentimental.



So it has been 10 years since the day we were married. I am not really sure how to process it, I have been having a hard time dealing with everything that has happened in the last 10 years. It is like a big birthday that all of a sudden sneaks up on you. I am happy to be married to an amazing man, we have an amazing relationship and best of all we are best friends. We understand each other like no one else does. We finish each others sentences and sometimes we start each others sentences. I love Jim like no other and I can not even imagine my life with out him. Is everything perfect and wonderful all the time? Heck no! One of the things that I love about us is that we are real we do not always get along we do not always see eye to eye and we are both to damn stubborn to admit when we are wrong. We are both 1st born children and you can tell. But in the end we are able to work through things and come together. I would not want it any other way. I was so nervous for our wedding that I don't even remember our vows (we do have video to prove we said them) but I think If I had them to do over again this is what I would say.

Jim, I love you. These are my hopes and desires for our marriage. May we always have more good times than bad. May we always support and encourage each other always. May we not be afraid when things are not easy because we have each other. May we be flexible and adapt to the changes that life will bring us. May we love unconditionally and always look for the good in people and may we accept the help of others when times are tough. May we celebrate all of the little joys in life for many many years to come. And when we grow out of these wedding clothes and have wrinkles on our face and gray hair on our head may we always see each other like we do on our wedding day.

So far I think we have fulfilled these vows. It has been a good day so far I skipped out on work! I think we plan on going to dinner and a movie tonight nothing real special but good quality time together with no laptops and face book, :0)

Hope everyone else has a great weekend, stay warm if you are up north it is supposed to be, brrrr, really cold and if you are in the south just kept it to your self , :0)


Kim said…
Happy 10 years..
I am sooo happy for you both..
And I am sooo glad to have met you both..
You are an AMAZING couple and can't wait to meet the rest of the family soon..
As for the end..I will just keep my mouth shut (we still have our AC on...)
Jimh. said…
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Jimh. said…
I LOVE YOU SOOO MUCH! Happy Anniversary!

I'm looking forward to the rest of our lives, I only hope they don't go as fast as the last ten years!

Happy Anniversary!!!
Happy 10th Anniversary you two!! Love the post . Marriage is real and yes it is a growing process. You are constantly finding out new things about yourself and your partner.

Amy said…
What a beautiful post, Cora.

Happy Anniversary to two very special people who were made for each other!

All best wishes for many MANY happy returns of the day...

Happy 10 years!!!! Wow...you guys looked like babies when you got married. :) Such sweet pics!!!


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