That's My Pan Fundraiser
I have been meaning to post about this for a while but then I got sick and I had no energy for anything let alone posting. But I am getting better so I thought I would fill you in on my latest doings. We have started fundraiser to help with the adoption and travel expenses. I found a company called That's My Pan and they sell personalized cake pans and other kitchen items. I got a sample kit and I am really impressed with the all the products. I think they would make a wonderful gift or a treat for yourself. Everyone has brought food to a pot luck or a family event and left the pan or the serving utensils and not got it back. And I know I have been cleaning up after pot lucks and found pans with no owner :0(. This way everyone knows who it goes back to, plus it looks great. close up of the side of the casserole pan If you are interested in anything let me know and I can get you a price list and order form. If you are local it is only $1.10 per item shipping to me and then I will...