Wordless Wednesday


April said…
so cute, did you make those? My DD needs one! Adorable.
TorAa said…
Very sweet and adorable.

Talking about baby:
Our daughters "Baby Vagabond" was born on Oct 25.
jimh. said…
those do look awesome! jimh.
Sandee said…
So where is our model? Both are cute as all get out. The blue one is my favorite.

Have a terrific day. :)

My link: Wordless Wednesday

I just love these!! they are just adorable. Is one of these for Mary's little one Lexi?

I think you should learn how to make boys little hawaiian shirts. Some of the fabric would look way cool for a mod boy's shirt.

Hope you are having a great day!
Ayie said…
cute cute so unique! i like the blue my fave color =)

Too cute for words! That's why its a perfect Wordless Wednesday post! :)

Charissa said…
So cute! You think they would look okay with a white shirt under for winter?
Erica said…
OH MY GOODNESS!!!! The cuteness!!! I just melted as I can see Phia running around in both of these dresses!! Are these from that one pattern website you shared with me recently?? I think it's Sandie Henderson? I haven't had ANY time to sew since being in school AGAIN, so these made me ITCH to get to that machine and make some thing adorable!

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