Finally Meeting IRL (in real life)

Guess who we met Tuesday?  Ok you probably already know due to my last post.  The Huffman's meet the Mosher's happened in Ellensburg on a Tuesday.  We had a blast, I almost chickened out since it was going to be a late night and we both had to work the next day but I am so happy that we went.  How often do we get to meet some internet friends from 2000 miles away.   We found them a wonderful Fred Meyer parking lot  campsite to camp in and hung out for a couple hours nothing but the best for our friends, lol.  Did I mention they are AWESOME? Here are some of the picture Jim took with his precious.  They did turn out good.


Getting a sneak preview of Jim’s new coloring  book.


Parker was REALLY happy to see us :0) I think.


Aren’t we just lovely!


Dori popped up beside me to show me how to play her game.


Trying to get a family picture but I think Parker melted.


Jake and Parker running off some energy in the parking lot campsite.


Hey that looks like fun lets all do it!


Dori looking as cute as ever!  Such a sweet girl!



And finally proof that Jim was there, not taken with Precious, obviously.

We had a wonderful time, they are a fun family and if we lived closer I am sure we would be seeing each other more often but 2000 miles is a bit of a drive for dinner, unfortunately. 



Jimh. said…
It was great fun to meet them!! Also, the chance to use Precious in a "REAL LIFE" setting was useful.
Unknown said…
Looks like you had a blast! Its nice to meet the people IRL that we "meet" thru this journey as we blog. Great pictures & luv Jim's new camera!
It was a BLAST and I am so glad you lost sleep to meet us. Wish it could have been longer. We would TOTALLY hang out a bunch if we lived closer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!f

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