It’s a Sickness

It has to be a sickness but I just can't stop marveling at how beautiful these kids are!  So, you might be seeing a few more pictures in the next couple posts.  Jim likes to take the pictures but I like to mess with them in the computer a bit so here is one of my favorites.  Let me know what you think.

Straight from the camera.


Post processing (I think this might be going up on the wall in our house).


Black and white (or this one?).


  And a couple just for fun.



Tomorrow D or E or L, I have not decided yet?


Kim said…
Love it..
Great shots.. of pure CUTENESS>....
Jimh. said…
I'm glad you don't mind doing the Post Processing! You do wonderful work!!
Lorrene said…
Wow! That looks great.
Margaret M said…
Beautiful picture!
Isn't manipulating pics fun???
denise said…
Love that picture (and the cute boy in it). Does Jim take his pictures in RAW format?

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