Getting Ready!

We have been trying to get ready for our upcoming trip.  Most of our tickets have been bought and hotels arranged.  What is left will be scheduled tomorrow.  We have made lists, organized, cleaned, and baby proofed.  We have started packing.  I can not believe soon we will be in China, half a world away.  We have arranged for people to watch the house and the pets and we have panicked a little about finally being parents.  I have De-Christmased the house and Jim is painting a canvas for Chloe's room.  

Today I finished a dress I have been working on for some time.  I guess I just need a little more motivation, like a plane ticket :).  The next time you see the dress it will be on our little girl.  It may be too big or too small I have no idea but it does not matter any more.  Our Little Miss is coming home!


Kim said…

Ready to see Chloe in the dress..
and in your arms..
I will be bawling like a baby..
I wanna see the back of it. Does it tie? I do believe it will be big in her BUT you are creative and are bringing safety pins so she will be just adorable!!!

I've met you guys IRL and I know you are going to be GREAT parents! Enjoy your last 2 weeks of being 2.
Kelly said…
SOOOO exited for you!!
Kelly & Todd said…
So happy for you both. What an exciting time these next few weeks will bring. Best wishes to you both as you prepare to become a family of 3. What a wonderful way to start the new year!!!

-- kelly :-)
denise said…
I love that you made a special homecoming dress for Chloe. It brought tears to my eyes!
Kayce said…
I'm too flipping excited for you guys!!! :)
C and G said…
yeah!!!!! so excited for you guys!
Alyson and Ford said…
We are so excited for you! The dress is adorable! You did a wonderful job!
Happy travels! We will be following you!

Alyzabeth's Mommy
Kel said…
Has she got a nursery??? is it all ready for her??? If so I wanna see!!!! I'm just so excited for you!!! Its about time too!!!!

Rosanne in PA said…
Stumbled across your blog .. have followed your grandma (she's hilarious!) ... I am thrilled for you, Chloe, and your entire family. Safe travels ...

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