Last night before bed Chloe read us a story, because she was not about to sit and let us read to her, oh no! But you know what she was pretty good. The book is Moo, Baa, La La La and basically it has animal sounds in it. She loves it! She said most of the sounds as she got to the right page. She is amazing. If I can get video of it I will but you know how kids are the minute you pull out the camera they stop being cute
We read several books at night and Chloe definitely has her favorites. It is funny to see her go over to the shelf and carefully pick out the books she wants while toss the rest. Here are some of the winners in no particular order: Hand, Hand, Fingers, Thumb, Moo, Baa, La La La, Johnny Tractor's New Friend, Water, Water Everywhere, That's Not My Tiger..., A Christmas Countdown, Bedtime Peek -a -Boo, and Goodnight Gorilla.
She has others that she really doesn't care for and some that only make occasional appearances. I think it is funny what she chooses like the John Deere book or the Christmas one but she loves them. Oh and I can't forget the newest favorite "Uh Oh" book, aka Sheep in a Jeep
:) Ashley