She's Sick?
Chloe and I went to the doctor today for a follow up appointment for her respiratory infection. I knew she was still coughing a little but figured it was on it's way out. The congestion was clearing up but not completely gone. I never expected, "well looks like she has an ear infection." Here we go with a round of different antibiotics. Although most of the time you can't tell she is sick at all. She was all sugar and spice tonight trying on my hat and she insisted on wearing the coat although it was far from cold in here.
Yep, that is cookie drool down her dress. I think she is getting in at least 2 possibly 3 teeth, this girl does nothing small. Thank goodness for Shout
. 2 things I rarely used before I had a child laundry pre-treater, one bottle would last us years I have bought 2 in the last 3 months and wash cloths.
She never looks sick.
Aunt Carol
Aunt Carol