No Energy!

The house is a mess, the laundry needs to be done, the groceries need to be bought and we have ZERO energy to do any of it.  It all started last week when I thought my cold had become a sinus infection but now I think it might be the flu. I ran a fever and just felt horrible for most of last week and although I am not feeling as bad I still have NO energy.  To make things worse, Jim seems to have gotten it as well.  I hope that Chloe will be spared but I fear it is only a matter of time.

In the mean time we are drinking lots of fluids and resting with our cow-girl :)


SpunkyBookworm said…
Feel better peeps!!
Jimh. said…
that's me looking pathetic!
GGHadden said…
Oh I hope you don't have it for long, we keep passing it around and have had it in our house for just about a month now :( Guess we all have to get our immune system used to all the kiddie germs now :)
Feel better....I lived on Advil and sudafed.
Kim said…
hugs... hope you all feel better soon..
Love ya..

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